No, they're not in training for I'm A Celebrity... they're just going to school - The school run can be a real balancing act as shown by these Sumatra pupils crossing a river by wire - If you thought getting the kids to school was a chore, spare a thought for the parents of these children who have to tightrope walk 30-feet above a flowing river to get to their class on time and then walk a further seven-miles through the forest to their school in the town of Padang.

Children use wires to cross the river to get to school in Pintu Gabang, Indonesia

School days: This pupils starts the day with a different kind of test

Cross-wire: A young boy makes his lonely journey to school

The children risk a 30 foot drop as they cross the river each morning before school
Instead of playing truant each day 20 determined pupils from Batu Busuk village on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia have to cross the local river like circus performers since the suspension bridge collapsed in heavy rain.
Local photographer Igoy Fitra Yogi, 31, described how the brave children faced injury and possible death by drowning so they could continue their education.

Once across the river the children have to walk seven miles to reach their school

The children have been forced into the balancing act after heavy rains destroyed a local bridge ( )
Blog : Paying The Highest
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