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Food manufacturers using 'smoke and mirrors' to mislead parents over food

Food manufacturers using 'smoke and mirrors' to mislead parents over food. Food manufacturers are using ''smoke and mirrors'' to mislead parents into thinking sugar and fat-laden snacks are healthy for children, a charity said.

Research by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) found that 92% of mothers faced with typical claims used on food were duped into thinking they were beneficial.

They were presented with various slogans and asked whether the labels meant a product was likely to be healthy. Only 8% rejected all the claims.

Peter Hollins, the BHF's chief executive, said: ''Mums are having the wool pulled over their eyes by food manufacturers.

''Smoke and mirror tactics means that foods targeted at children and high in fat, salt and sugar are being disguised with partial health claims suggesting they're a healthy choice.

''Regularly eating these types of foods could have serious implications for kids' future health.''

The slogans included ''a source of calcium, iron and six vitamins'', which is used on Coco Pops cereal and milk bars.

They are higher in saturated fat and sugar that chocolate cake, the BHF said.

Nestle says that Honey Shreddies are ''wholegrain'' which can ''keep your heart healthy and maintain a healthy body'', although a 45g serving contains 13.6g of sugar, more than a ring doughnut which has 9.2g.

And although Natural Confectionery Company Jelly Snakes contain ''no artificial flavourings, no artificial colourings'' they also have 295 calories per 100g.

The BHF wants more food manufacturers to use the traffic light labelling system on the front of packs.

Mr Hollins said: ''Partial health claims and the mish mash of food labelling systems serve only to confuse shoppers about the nutritional value of what they're putting in their shopping baskets.

''It's time for food companies to stop making excuses, support one system and ensure shoppers are given 'at a glance' information about the foods they're giving their kids.'' ( )

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