There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible

Make a fresh start after the holidays

Make a fresh start after the holidays - I hope you enjoyed your summer leave and are back, ready to make a fresh start. If you are like me, all the relaxation and socializing during the summer vacation means an extra kilo or two. This is only natural in the cycle of things. Life is for living.

So let’s get ready to make some healthy changes.

Start the day well, but before you do anything else, drink a nice detoxifying glass of hot water with a slice of lemon; great for your liver.

Stretch into the day

Then take a few minutes to exercise in the privacy of your bedroom. Start with some stretching and then exercise each part of the body followed by a minute or two jogging on the spot — great for a healthy heart! My award winning Mini-morning Workout is ideal for this and you can get a free illustrated copy by e-mailing to: Early morning exercise gets the metabolism working and starts the body burning calories.

Eat smart

Breakfast — the best meal of the day!

Choose something healthy with fresh juice or a piece of fruit (an excellent time to get your daily quota of cereal and refreshing yogurt and fruit juice). Porridge oats is so cheap, healthy and great for the slow release of energy as well as lowering cholesterol and being good for the heart.

Lunch — if you are working, pack a nice healthy sandwich, and low fat desert. Take lots of fresh fruit for snacks. If you are lucky enough to be at home for lunch you may prefer to have this as your main meal of the day.

Supper — have some pasta, rice or lovely new potatoes with lean meat or fish and loads of fresh vegetables or salad. Follow with fresh fruit salad, low fat ice cream and yogurt.

Try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day and cut down on coffee.

Try to cut down on snacks, but as we are all human, do allow yourself one treat per day.

This is a good time of year to make some new exercise resolutions. The cities of the Gulf have plenty to offer — beautiful beaches, swimming pools, as well as plenty of gyms and exercise classes. So, don’t be shy as the facilities are there for everyone. If you have not exercised before you could start with Pilates, yoga, a daily walk, a swim or use an exercise bicycle in your own home; anything to keep you flexible and boost your circulation.

Try to fit exercise into your routine. If it is part of your daily routine, you will soon be doing it out of habit.

For more tips on healthy living Sign up for my e-newsletter, all about healthy living, fitness & happiness! Each newsletter is packed with tips about living a happier, healthier life. Just e-mail to to be added to my mailing list. ( )

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